“And I love video games! Do you know AoS?” he asks, drawing a small “S” in the air with his finger. What else do they love? “We love to play board games,” says Huening Kai, and he and Yeonjun agree that Monopoly is the group favorite. Taehyun and Huening Kai burst out laughing at his reaction and Yeonjun sings “I love it,” a lyric from “Crown,” under his breath. “I love it!” he declares loudly, holding up the wrapper. Soobin, who sometimes giggles demurely behind his hand, tries very mild licorice, covered in chocolate. They’re snacking on candy while we chat and Beomgyu contentedly munches on a piece flavored like one of his favorite summer treats, watermelon. All this has happened in the past four months, and the success has set TXT apart as a group to watch. The group went on to perform a six-city debut showcase tour across the U.S.

The EP’s lead single “Crown” debuted at number one on Billboard’s World Digital Song Sales chart, and its music video was viewed more than 15 million times on YouTube in the 24 hours after its release. At number 140, it was also the highest charting debut by an all-male K-pop group on the Billboard 200. It’s one of the many exciting opportunities they’ve earned since they debuted in March with their EP “Dream Chapter: Star.” The EP topped the charts in Korea and was number one on Billboard’s Emerging Artists and World Albums charts. They’re in town to perform at KCON New York, a two-day celebration of Korean culture culminating in evening concerts at Madison Square Garden. The guys are in great spirits considering that they recently disembarked from a 14-hour flight from Seoul, South Korea. “I enjoy watching Tomorrow X Together videos!” he cracks with a cheeky grin. So, what else do they watch on YouTube? Soobin, the group’s bright-eyed leader, senses an opportunity. Taehyun (17) and Huening Kai (16) flank them in chairs on either side of the sofa, leaning in and eager to participate in the conversation, which we’re having in English. There’s plenty of room on the couch to spread out, but members Yeonjun (19), Soobin (18), and Beomgyu (18) have chosen to sit shoulder-to-shoulder, a testament to the close bond they’ve forged over three years of training together. They’re tall - the shortest member is 5’10”- dressed in stylish black-and-white streetwear ensembles, and sporting bouncy, shiny bobs worthy of a shampoo commercial.

The five-member Korean group, pronounced “Tomorrow by Together” and more commonly known as TXT, is hanging out in the living room of a hotel suite on New York’s Upper East Side, talking about their favorite videos on the world’s second-most popular website. Like the rest of the Internet, Tomorrow X Together love watching funny animal videos on YouTube.